How can you visually enlarge a bedroom with lighting?
   06/13/2023 17:43:20
How can you visually enlarge a bedroom with lighting?

How can you visually enlarge a bedroom with lighting?

A bedroom is a private space that you don't invite many people to. In practice, this means that you don't allocate too much space for it. These are often small, awkward and difficult to arrange rooms. Only after some time does it turn out that designing and furnishing such a space requires special attention and caution. It is worth planning in advance how to arrange such a small bedroom and how to make it optically larger. A good way is to use appropriate lighting, which will eliminate awkward spaces.

Optical enlargement of the bedroom with light - first the base

By using appropriate lighting, you can significantly enlarge the space optically, but the base, or base, is extremely important for this. It is primarily about the right colors. In a small bedroom, it is worth betting on light colors. It does not necessarily have to be white, but beige, pastels and ash grays will work great. Light shades of colors definitely work better in small spaces. Their advantage is that they do not absorb light, but on the contrary - they reflect it. This makes it possible to optically enlarge the interior, making the bedroom more spacious, and that is precisely the goal.

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What size lamps should you choose for a small bedroom?

First of all, you should realize that there is no room to hang large chandeliers in a small bedroom. Even if the household members have always dreamed of lamps studded with diamonds, straight from palaces, using them in a small space will make the interior even smaller. A better solution is to choose a slightly reduced version. Of course, any type of lighting decorated with glass will work, because it will reflect the rays of light. Such models will work perfectly, but in a much smaller version.

It is worth choosing elegant lamps, but not too large. It is better to choose single, long recessed lamps in a minimalist version. Another great choice for a small bedroom will be the installation of central LED lighting in the form of a simple ceiling lamp or eyelets or ceiling tubes. Of course, this is only the base, which is supplemented with additional decorative lamps, but placed in other places.

Where to install lamps to optically enlarge the bedroom?

When deciding to install lamps in the bedroom, they should be considered night lighting. Two light sources in the form of reading sconces placed on both sides of the bed will look very good and will not divide the small room, because they will be mounted close to the wall. Additionally, you can save space on the bedside table. However, if the bedroom is very small, you can do without furniture.

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A very good solution is to use wall lamps with built-in shelves. They also allow you to save space for standing cabinets. These types of lamps are installed so that, if necessary, they illuminate the place where you will read your evening book. An interesting option is lamps with built-in USB ports, thanks to which you do not have to worry about access to a socket to charge your phone before going to bed. This is an ideal solution for a small bedroom in a block of flats, where every centimeter of free space is of great importance.

Enlarging a small bedroom in the attic

Most small bedrooms are located in the attic, and rooms with sloping ceilings are a real pain when it comes to their arrangement. These types of rooms are usually underlit due to the fact that the space in the corner under the sloping ceiling is difficult to illuminate. In such a situation, you can decide to illuminate with an LED ceiling lamp or rail lighting with adjustable spotlights. You can also place a floor lamp in the darkest corner, the light of which will be directed upwards.

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A small bedroom is sometimes a big problem

Unfortunately, it is often the case that a small bedroom is not very well-arranged and problems arise with its shape. If the room is narrow and long, it is best to direct more light to the shorter wall. It can be additionally illuminated with decorative wall sconces or ceiling spotlights. This allows you to optically enlarge the small interior and even out its proportions. If the bedroom is too low, the lighting should be directed to the ceiling. In this case, lamps with open shades will be helpful. The color of the light will also be an important factor in this case. It is good to illuminate the interior of the bedroom with warm light to fully calm down before going to sleep.

How to optically enlarge the bedroom? Summary

As you can see, it is possible to optically enlarge a small bedroom, but you need to take care of the right light source. Simple tricks can make the interior seem larger, it will also become functional and will allow you to introduce a cozy atmosphere to the bedroom. Thanks to this, it will be an ideal room for rest. It is important not to overdo it with a bright light color, because it will not be conducive to calming down and relaxation. Additionally, you can put a mirror in a small room, which will reflect the light of the lamp. This will enhance the light effect and blur the boundaries of the room. In our store's offer you will find a wide range of products that will work great for optically enlarging the interior. Check what lamps are available to choose from and choose a model that will meet your requirements.

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