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Living room

Living room lamps

Our online store offers a wide selection of living room lamps. You will find:

  • modern pendant lamps,
  • floor lamps,
  • decorative lamps,
  • designer lamps,
  • ceiling lamps,
  • table lamps,
  • crystal lamps,
  • and many others.

Choosing a living room lamp is not an easy challenge, so it is worth considering not only visual aspects, but also practicality, taking into account the individual specifications of the living room and our internal expectations. The key issue is the area of ​​the living room and the color of light you prefer. It is also important whether the living room should be bright or atmospheric, slightly dimmed. It is also worth adapting the living room lighting to the planned lighting zones.

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Lighting a small and large living room - how to arrange it?

A large living room space allows for a lot of arrangement possibilities. Living room lamps that evenly disperse light will optically enlarge the interior. Such a lamp should therefore act as the main lighting. A good solution is lamps with transparent or very bright glass lampshades, which ensure an even distribution of the light beam. Models with exposed decorative bulbs, without lampshades, will also work great. In the case of this type of lighting, you should avoid lamps whose light beam will be directed downwards, which will optically reduce the room.

Light the heart of the house

Since the living room is a place where we spend a lot of time, receive guests, it is worth making sure that the pendant lamp, acting as the main lighting, attracts the attention of people in the living room. Intriguing and interesting pendant lamps will be perfect in this role. The number of lamps depends strictly on the size of the living room, as well as on the arrangement of lighting zones. In recently popular styles, such as Scandinavian or industrial, living room lighting is treated in a minimalist way, and pendant lamps are distinguished by elements such as tasteful chrome arms, wooden finishes, handles or decorative LED bulbs, e.g. Edison. You don't have to decide on LED lamps completely in one of the styles right away. Sometimes one element is enough to improve the arrangement of lighting in the living room.

Zones and modern living room lighting

Proper lighting for the living room should be practical and aesthetic at the same time. A bright living room will provide the household with comfort and convenience. The ideal solution is to divide the living room into several zones, thus selecting the appropriate types of lighting. This is the best solution if you want to ensure the right mood and atmosphere in each zone. Planning several light sources allows you to choose the optimal lamps. For example, in the relaxation zone, floor lamps will be useful. The floor lamp should be placed next to the armchair or sofa, where wall lamps will also work well. If the living room has already been divided into comfort zones, it is worth sticking to these arrangements when choosing lamps. Most modern living rooms are connected to the dining room, which means that when choosing lamps, it would be great to remember to emphasize these zones with lighting. So if the dining room is part of the living room, it is worth installing hanging lamps above the table, thanks to which you will perfectly illuminate this zone and at the same time aesthetically display it. The relaxation area, e.g. with a sofa, should be illuminated with a small hanging lamp or an atmospheric floor lamp. In the case of larger spaces, a floor lamp should be placed on a chest of drawers. Decorative elements, e.g. paintings, can be illuminated with small spotlights, the light flow of which will be directed upwards, enveloping the image in soft light. In the living room, we can try to use many lighting solutions, but it is extremely important to plan the electrical installation. However, if this element has not been planned at the stage of designing the installation, there are always solutions in the form of floor lamps, wall lamps or spotlights connected to the socket with a switch.

The size of the living room and optimal lighting

When choosing a specific model of lamp for the living room, you should pay attention to the area and height of the room. In a small living room, you should use lamps with small lampshades, which will save space. With low ceilings, it is a good idea to choose elegant ceiling lamps or wall sconces. A good solution will be a hanging lamp, but without extensive arms, maintained in a minimalist style. System rail lamps also come in handy, thanks to which you will obtain excellent lighting of the required area. Light points can be freely adjusted depending on your needs and preferences.

Color temperature - which one to choose?

In addition to choosing the optimal model of LED lamp, we must also pay attention to the color of the light. It all depends on the preferences of the household members. You can choose a warm, cold or neutral color. With warm colors (2700-3200 K) we can relax, they have a relaxing and calming effect. A cold color (4600 - 6500 K) will most faithfully reflect daylight - it includes white and blue shades. Such colors stimulate, affecting efficiency and willingness to act. Neutral colors fall between these two ranges. If you are not sure what color to choose, you can try an extremely popular solution and choose only the main lighting in a cold color. It is a good idea to equip the floor lamp with a warm LED bulb. Lamps located in the relaxation area should also have this color.

Lighting in the living room and saving

In addition to functionality and aesthetics, an important condition that lamps must meet is energy efficiency. In an era when the lighting market is dominated by LED technology, this is not a problem, because LED bulbs consume even less power than traditional energy-saving bulbs. The higher the number of lumens, the more light we get.

How many lumens?

The recommended number of lumens for a living room depends on the layout of the furniture, as well as the area, e.g. for a living room with an area of ​​​​approx. 30 m2, the number of lumens should be around 10,500. Remember, however, that the light should reach every nook and cranny, taking into account the needs of the household members, staying in each zone. Do not forget about auxiliary and decorative lighting. There is no ideal guide to choosing lighting, because in every situation we have to take into account our own preferences and expectations. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the wide range of our store!